Marketing Strategies - How to Promote Your Book


  • Get a notebook (e.g. A5 size) to write down all your promotion ideas, planned activities, done activities with follow-up tasks
  • Setup your own website that features the book - think of good titles for each page and add the proper META tags
  • Get feedback about your website
  • Offer site search for your website - regularily check search terms entered by your users
  • Keep in touch with fans of your book
  • If your website is interesting adding value, other websites will link to you
  • Put your website's URL on the back of your car (large enough letters!)
  • Print flyers with the front cover or your book, the blurb, the URL of your website, and information how to order the book - ask friends to give flyers to their friends
  • Start your own blog the moment the book is available
  • Write a press release (news release) and submit it to both online and print media
  • Don't spend a lot of money on advertizing - many readers are suspicious of this - but you could consider to buy Google AdWords - try to think of unique keywords related to your book - don't compete with generic terms such as thriller, programming, or travel
  • Ask for book reviews and book testimonials
  • Write an article for newsletters of your subject area
  • Encourage people to write Amazon reviews
  • Ask your peer reviewers to spread the word - the word of mouth is still one of the most powerful ways of promoting a book
  • Get entries in library journals
  • Get an entry in online directories such as
  • Get an entry in Wikipedia
  • Stay in touch with other writers - ask for their advice - offer your support
  • Explore the possibiliy of 'co-operative marketing'
  • Sign up for Amazon Connect - consider their Search Inside program
  • Be careful with email campaigns - very often this will be considered as spam - think about highly targeted campaigns (people who are interested and active in your subject area)
  • Try to make new interesting contacts in openBC/Xing
  • Become active in online communities such as Myspace
  • Target other countries - English books for example are not only read in the United States ot the United Kingdom
  • At some point consider foreign translations
  • You might also think of producing an audio book
  • Can the story of your book be turned into a movie script?
  • Take advantage of the so-called local bookstore syndrome - ask for an appointment and introduce yourself as a writer who lives in the area - many bookstore managers are very sympathetic
  • Contact special bookstore, e.g. ones that sell science fiction only
  • ...
  • ... more to come ...
  • ...

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